A wiki is a website that uses WYSIWYG software. This particular type of software allows all users to upload, change, and add content onto the website. It can be located anywhere, anytime and only requires a computer and Internet connection. Matias (2003) states that, "Wiki can be used for a large variety of tasks, from personal note-taking to collaborating online, creating an internal knowledge base, assembling an online community, and managing a traditional website".
Wiki's have many amazing capabilities and offer many educational advantages. To begin they require active participation from students. The students must take control of their own learning to create effective and well structured postings in their Wiki. Wikis also require students to read text, demonstrate knowledge, discuss ideas and concepts, practice their work before publishing, and teach others. According to Abeline Christian University ACU Adams Centre for Teaching Excellence, (2000), these academic elements range across all areas of the learning pyramid. This indicates that students participating in a wiki exercise would retain high amounts of information.
Students using a wiki to publish a group school report is an excellent example of incorporating technology into the classroom environment. The students would need to do the research first than they can add their information into the wiki. The students although working in groups could complete the assignment with little to no face-to-face time as once work has been uploaded to the wiki other students can access, change, or add to it. This is a much more engaging and motivating way of doing reports that cutting out and sticking pieces of paper onto large bits of cardboard. A Wiki that is free to use is called wetpaint.
- Matias, A. 2003: What is a WIKI? (2003). Retrieved 4 July, 2009, from Site Point web site:http://www.sitepoint.com/article/what-is-a-wiki/
- Abeline Christian University Adam Centre for Teaching Excellence. (2000). Learning Pyramid (learning retention). Retrieved August 19, 2009 from http://moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=580
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